Career Summary
I have nine years of experience on genomics data science. Collaborated on multiple international projects and made significant discovery on how structural variations impact local recombination rate.
Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution
University of Bern, Switzerland
Grade: 5.50/6 with latin honors insigni cum laude
M. Tech. in Biotechnology
IIT Guwahati, India
Grade: 9.67/10
B. Tech. in Biotechnology
Amity University, Noida, India
Grade: 7.69/10
Work Experience
Responsibilities and Achievements
- Organization of Polyploid Summer School 2023
(Live session link)
- DNA methylation analysis from long reads datasets
- Comparative transcriptomics of tetraploids
Technologies used:
- Unix
- Python
- R
- Slurm HPC
- Snakemake
PostDoc Researcher
I led a team of young bioinformaticians who worked on Mendelian randomization and rare variant GWAS analysis for various phenotypes related to heart, liver, kidney, metabolic and neurological diseases in the UKBiobank's 450,000 participant data. Our primary objective was to develop efficient pipelines that leverage the vast whole genome dataset of the UK Biobank to support research and provide valuable insights for the pharmaceutical industry in designing safer and more effective drugs, reducing the risk of adverse events. I also worked on a project to map genes and gene networks that predispose to NAFLD/NASH. I analysed the kidney and liver transcriptome of a population of mice generated by breeding different strains with varying levels of susceptibility to the disease.
Responsibilities and Achievements:
I was responsible for the bioinformatics team working under high-pressure to enhance the efficiency of bioinformatics projects within my research group through timely data generation and reporting to pharmaceutical companies. My main responsibilities are:
- Mendelian randomization and analysis of rare genetic variants to mitigate risks in drug development.
- Gene expression analysis of a genetically diverse mice population fed with western diet under thermoneutral conditions to induce liver disease.
- Mentoring Ph.D. students
Technologies used:
- UKBiobank
- DNAnexus
- Snakemake
- Slurm HPC
- R
- python
- Cloud computing
PostDoc Researcher
I studied the role of whole-genome duplication in the origin of S-locus supergene in Primulaceae. Worked with several genome assemblies and transcriptome datasets to investigate the lack of descending dysploidy and unbiased genome fractionation in ancient polyploids.
Responsibilities and Achievements
- I led the genome and repeat annotation for four Primulaceae genomes .
- I worked on analyzing the repeat content and subgenome gene content and expression fractionation in Androcaceae
- I was involved in analysis of TE based genome shock after hybridization of Primula species
Technologies used:
- Unix
- Python
- R
- Slurm HPC
- Snakemake
PostDoc Researcher
I worked on a complex polyploid plant genome trying to understand the relative impact of gene expression and transposon-mediated silencing on patterns of duplicated gene retention as well as the role of selection on retained duplicates.
Responsibilities and Achievements:
I was responsible for the bioinformatics management in the ecological genomics group at the University of Bern ensured smooth functioning of the bioinformatics projects. My main responsibilities are:
- The study of the impact of sequence turnover and conservation in shaping genome following whole-genome duplication.
- Annotation of transposable elements and genes
- Genome assembly using long read and linked read sequencing technologies
- Mentoring Ph.D. and masters students
Technologies used:
- Unix
- Python
- R
- Slurm HPC
- Pacbio
- 10x Genomics
- Illumina NovaSeq
Graduate Student (Ecology and Evolution)
During my successfully published Ph.D. thesis, I have worked on the development of various bioinformatics pipelines from annotation to variant calling related to large transposable element fragments in population datasets. I have also applied my pipeline on different datasets provided by collaborating groups. I have always challenged myself to find optimal solutions to complex problems.
- Transposable element annotation and characterization
- Population genomics of insertion/deletions related to transposable elements using whole-genome sequencing technology (Illumina-HiSeq) and their comparative analysis with SNPs from the same dataset
- Study of transposable element-mediated adaptive variation in alpine plant populations
- RNA-Seq and differential expression analysis
Technologies used:
- Phylogenomics
- Population Genomics
- Deseq2
- Python
- R
- Unix
- Platform LSF
Senior Research Fellow (Web Developer)
I worked on developing a Management and Analysis System (MAS) for Zingiberaceae barcode library in a project funded by the Government Of India. I developed a portal providing linkage to voucher specimens and includes an online encyclopedia of Zingiberaceae from North-East India.
Technologies used:
- Mega
Masters student (Biotechnology)
I worked on Pongamia pinnata also known as Millettia pinnata, which is a potential biodiesel plant and is also known for its various medicinal properties. I worked on estimating the 2C DNA content of P. pinnata and its comparison with its tissue cultured plants using Flow Cytometry. I also studied live/dead (cFDA/PI) antibacterial activity of hexane extract of P. pinnata.
Technologies used:
- Flow Cytometry
- Flow Jo
- BD FACScalibur
Tutorial: Plastid sequence analysis
Tutorial: Repeat sequence analysis
Northeast Zingiberaceae Resource Centre
Arabis Symposium 2018
TALK at Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany
TALK at the 30th Conference of the Plant Population Biology section of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Halle, Germany
SHORT TALK at the annual Swiss conference on ecology, evolution, systematics and conservation in Bern, Switzerland
Teaching assistant for Ecological Genomics, University of Bern, Switzerland
Main Activities: Prepared, delivered and evaluated practical work for Bachelors and Masters students on handling of nuclear sequence data and annotation of transposable elements.
Teaching Assistant at Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
Supervised Bachelors thesis on Genome size estimation based on flow cytometry.
Evaluated answer sheets of Bachelors students
Supervised one month Bachelors internships, University of Bern, Switzerland
Topics covered:
Investigation of the diversity and divergence in Biscutella laevigata populations based on plastid SNPs data.
Investigation of SNPs and polymorphic transposable elements based genetic structure of the S-Locus and FLM-locus in the alpine populations of Arabis alpina.
Impact of polymorphic transposable elements on genes considering their higher order classification and association with environmental factors in Arabis alpina.
Characterization and validation of loci related to transposable elements insertion/deletion with direct molecular approaches in alpine poulations Arabis alpina.
Skills & Tools
R language
- Singularity
- Conda
- Git
- SnakeMake
- Visual Studio
- C++
Swiss National Science Foundation Postdoc.Mobility - June 2020Declined due to family obligations.
Swiss Government Excellence -2014 Scholarship (Bourses d’excellence de la Confédération suisse)Fully funded 3 year PhD scholarship amounting upto CHF 70000 was awarded by the Swiss government based on a research proposal, academic and scientific excellence.
CSIR-Junior Research Fellowship -2014CSIR-Junior Research Fellowship was awarded based on a National Eligibility Test where my All India Rank was 67 in Life Science. Fellowship was not availed due to relocation to Switzerland.
DBT-Junior Research Fellowship -2014DBT-Junior Research Fellowship was awarded based on a DBT-Biotechnology Eligibility Test in Category I (best possible). Fellowship was not availed due to relocation to Switzerland.
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Fellowship -2011Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering Fellowship was awarded based on an Eligibility Test where my All India Rank was 151 out of 16425 participants in Biotechnology. The fellowship helped in subsidizing two years of Masters education and stay, with additional scholarship
- English (Professional)
- French (Learning)
- Hindi (Native)
- Bengali (Native)
- Gardening
- Cooking
- Reading
- Photography
- Choudhury, R.R., Rogivue, A., Gugerli, F. and Parisod, C., 2019. Impact of polymorphic transposable elements on linkage disequilibrium along chromosomes. Molecular Ecology 28, pp.1550-1562
- Choudhury, R.R.*, Rogivue, A.*, Zoller, S., Joost, S., Felber, F., Kasser, M., Parisod, C. and Gugerli, F., 2019. Genome‐wide variation in nucleotides and retrotransposons in alpine populations of Arabis alpina (Brassicaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 19, pp.773-787
- Dunning, L.T., Olofsson, J.K., Parisod C., Choudhury, R.R., Moreno-Villena, J.J., Yang, Y., Dionora, J., Quick, W. P., Park, M., Bennetzen, J.L., Besnard, G., Nosil, P., Osborne, C.P. and Christin, P.-A., 2019. Lateral transfers of large DNA fragments spread functional genes among grasses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, pp.4416-4425
- Choudhury, R.R. and Parisod, C., 2017. Jumping genes: Genomic ballast or powerhouse of biological diversification. Molecular Ecology 26, pp.4587-4590
- Choudhury, R.R., Neuhaus, J.M. and Parisod, C., 2017. Resolving fine‐grained dynamics of retrotransposons: comparative analysis of inferential methods and genomic resources. The Plant Journal 90, pp.979-993
- Choudhury, R.R., Basak, S., Ramesh, A.M. and Rangan, L., 2014. Nuclear DNA content of Pongamia pinnata L. and genome size stability of in vitro-regenerated plantlets. Protoplasma 251, pp.703-709
- Ramesh, A.M., Basak, S., Choudhury, R.R and Rangan, L., 2014. Development of Flow cytometric protocol for nuclear DNA content estimation and determination of chromosome number in Pongamia pinnata L., a valuable biodiesel plant. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 172, pp.533-548
- Rubia, L., Rangan, L., Choudhury, R.R., Kamínek, M., Dobrev, P., Malbeck, J., Fowler, F., Slater, A., Scott, N., Bennett, J., Peng, S., Khush, G.S. and Elliott, M., 2014. Changes in the chlorophyll content and cytokinin levels in the top three leaves of new plant type rice during grain filling. Journal of plant growth regulation 33, pp.66-76 *=Equal contribution